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終於爆Seed了, Qnap 的Beta firmware 2.0用後感

Qnap官方很久之前曾承諾推出新的BT Client,終於在二月初釋出了新的Beta firmware
新的Beta firmware最主要的改動是換了原有的BT Client,新的BT Client可以很輕易地找到peers和種子
我也在Beta firmware 2.0 釋出的第二天就更新了我的109的firmware

BT 測試:
507.8 KB/s
308.9 KB/s
196.5KB/s + 131KB/s
4KB/s +22.1KB/s +568.8KB/s
8.0KB/s + 546.9KB/s

經過我一個月的BT試煉,結果是非常正面的,BT時找peers和找seeds的速度真的快了很多很多,一加入BT任務,很快就可以找到peers和seeds,表現非常接近desktop PC的BT表現

今天我再去官網的論壇看,Beta firmware已經釋出了V2.0.1 Build 0304,相信正式版的firmware就快會推出
現在Qnap TS-109成為了我可靠的BT伙伴 =]

注: 自從109更新了的Beta Firmware,我的harddisk一個月間消失了接近100GB,現在覺得320GB已經不夠用,早知道就買Qnap TS-209 XD

2 則留言:

匿名 說...



哈...那你便要準備209 的教學文件了~

Alex@Planet 說...

Hi Terry,

I've got a question very much need your advice. I found my TS109 has a problem with the download station.

Recently I found the TS109 runs very slow in accessing files and sometimes it's disconnected. And I can't lgoin in to the download station to manage all the d/l tasks.

When I login througt web page or QGET, it can't shows the download tasks ... I tried to format my HD but even I did so, there are two hidden seed jobs appears again (in the Qdownload drive) and I can't really remove them (when I delete the files in Win Explorer, it automatially creates again in a second), I beleive it's the root cause of the problem.

Do you have any insight on this? Thanks very much!!


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